How do we create lasting positive impact?
enviolo began with a singular belief: cycling embodies the ultimate form of mobility. Since then, our mission has been to empower bike makers to create exceptional bikes.
To unleash the transformative power of the bicycle, we recognize that the cycling community must address challenging yet essential questions. How sustainable are the manufacturing processes behind our products? How empowered are the communities linked to our operations? How future-proof are the decisions we take today?
We believe we can do better. In fact, we believe we must do better.
‘envision’ serves as a call to action for us and our peers— a call to envision a better, brighter outlook for the cycling industry. Yet, we refuse to be bystanders on this journey. Our goal is to be a driving force in creating this future.
From using lower carbon materials in our products to promoting responsible sourcing and fostering an empowered workforce, ‘envision’ entails 11 pledges aimed at reducing our environmental footprint and maximizing our social impact.
Join us as we transform the way we ride, conduct business, and advocate for people-centric urban communities. Let’s envision a world where every turn of the pedal propels us towards a brighter future.

Thriving Planet
We’re unwavering in our commitment to improve the well-being of urban communities worldwide while simultaneously minimizing the environmental footprint of designing, manufacturing, and using our products.

Climate change
Reduce our organizational greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions
Target: 30% reduction in Scope 1 and 2 emissions, and 15% reduction in Scope 3 emissions by 2030 (versus 2022 baseline).
The signs of climate change are all around us: it’s the existential threat of our time, and the risks of climate inaction are too significant to ignore. Our climate targets compel us to scrutinize both our direct operations and beyond, taking meaningful steps to mitigate our emissions.
Our climate pledge Thriving planet 
Our climate pledge
The vast majority (99%+) of our organizational footprint is associated with emissions occurring outside our own walls. Put simply, we cannot substantially reduce our carbon footprint without addressing tough questions about how our products are manufactured, transported, and used. While the complexity and breadth of this challenge may seem daunting, we view it as an opportunity to collaborate with our partners to inspire meaningful climate action across the entire value chain.
Our roadmap for climate change
In 2023, we completed our first company-wide Global Greenhouse Gas Emission Inventory, along with detailed Life Cycle Assessments (LCAs) on our best-selling products to identify our most carbon-intensive subcomponents. Leveraging the insights from these studies, we have begun explicitly integrating eco-design principles such as lightweighting and recycled content into our product development processes. In parallel, we are collaborating with our manufacturing suppliers to fully transition to renewable energy and significantly reduce air shipments across the supply chain.
Increase the use of recycled materials in our portfolio
Target: 25% average recycled content across our products and packaging by 2030.
Incorporating more recycled materials in our products is a no-brainer. Increased recycled content not only reduces our dependence on Earth’s finite resources but also empowers us to decarbonize our supply chain.
Recycled not just recyclable Thriving planet
Recycled not just recyclable
Primarily made of metal, enviolo hubs boast an impressive recyclability rate of over 92%. However, our ambition extends further. Aligned with the principles of a circular economy, we aim to increase the percentage of recycled content within our products and packaging, ensuring that our materials remain in closed loops of use and reuse. Considering that recycled materials often have a significantly lower carbon footprint than virgin materials (for instance, recycled aluminium uses 95% less energy than virgin aluminium), incorporating recycled content is additionally a crucial lever in our decarbonization efforts.
Our roadmap for material circularity
We are working with our suppliers —and their suppliers— on increasing and certifying the levels of recycled content within their manufacturing processes. Subcomponents are prioritized based on current carbon footprint (and consequently, emission savings potential) and the technical feasibility of increasing recycled content without compromising on product functionality and integrity.
Extend the useful lifetime of our products
Target: 4,000 products given a second life by 2030.
We strive to minimize the number of our products that end up being scrapped at end-of-life– or worse, prematurely. Our new second-life program helps ensure that enviolo products remain cherished and used for longer.
Cyc-ular by nature Thriving planet
Cyc-ular by nature
enviolo empowers bike brands to build better e-bikes. With ‘better’ comes the responsibility to produce products that endure. This journey often commences in the product development phase– ensuring our products are designed from the outset for longevity, durability, and reliability. When a product encounters a technical issue, scrapping should not be the default response; instead, efforts should focus on restoring it to its functional state without compromising quality.
Our roadmap for product circularity
We are focused on gathering and analyzing detailed customer and end-user feedback on their experiences with our products. By integrating their feedback into our future product designs, we make sure that subsequent iterations of our products are more durable and perform better than ever. At the same time, we are enhancing our in-house repair and refurbishment capabilities. For instance, in April 2024, we opened an in-house quality center in Zwolle, which will house a new second-life program aimed at prolonging the useful lifetime of returned products.

Empowered Community
We aim to inspire and empower, starting from within but extending far beyond.

Produce superior quality products that promote healthy lifestyles
Target: 100% of Tier 1 and high-priority Tier 2 suppliers have undergone on-site quality audits by 2030.
Our stepless shifting transmissions don’t just make for smoother rides, but safer ones too. Our commitment to rider safety begins before the first kick of the pedal.
Quality that mattersEmpowered Community
Quality that matters
Our dedication to rider safety commences in Leander, Texas, where engineering teams in our R&D Center meticulously design and rigorously test our products. However, our designs and tests alone do not guarantee quality unless they are complemented by an unwavering commitment to flawless manufacturing across the supply chain.
Our roadmap for product safety and quality
Our quality target recognizes the crucial role that our contract manufacturers—and their suppliers—play in maintaining the high standards that riders expect from enviolo products. While we already conduct annual onsite quality checks at all our Tier 1 suppliers, our new target extends these checks to all of their suppliers who provide 10% or more of constituent enviolo components.
Promote cycling-friendly communities and policies
Target: 50% increase in bike use in Europe by 2030.
We believe that the transformative power of bicycles really comes to life when they are used by as many people as possible all over the world. Our ambitions must therefore extend beyond simply producing exceptional components for great bikes; we need to actively and unapologetically encourage more people to start pedaling– everywhere, every day.
Get Pedaling!Empowered Community
Get pedaling!
How can we meaningfully solve the problems associated with traditionally car-centered societies? By working together with every actor in the cycling ecosystem to ensure that cycling is universally regarded as the ultimate form of mobility. This means helping municipalities develop cycling and cyclist-friendly policies; supporting our customers in promoting the many benefits of cycling; and empowering our own employees to serve as ambassadors for cycling in their daily lives.
Our roadmap for cycling advocacy
An ambitious goal like getting more people to take fewer trips in cars and more trips on bikes necessitates a robust understanding of when and where bikes are used, as well as the conditions that can hinder or encourage cycling. Beginning with Europe, where most of our customers are located, we have initiated partnerships with knowledge institutes, think tanks, and public bodies active in the field of mobility to gain insights on bike use. We aim to disseminate the initial findings from this research in 2025 to raise awareness and mobilize action within the industry. Concurrently, we will work with our customers on education and awareness programs targeting cycling adoption in cities that have yet to fully experience the transformative power of cycling.
Provide a rewarding and engaging working environment
Target: 70% increase in employee engagement and satisfaction levels by 2030.
Making a meaningful and lasting impact on the world starts from within. To get the best out of our people, we need to make sure our own working conditions and workplace culture inspires greatness.
Greatness from withinEmpowered Community
Greatness from within
We aspire to cultivate an engaging and inspiring work environment at enviolo where everyone feels valued and supported. To gauge employee engagement and satisfaction, we use an Employee net promoter score (eNPS), collected annually through our employee engagement survey. Achieving our target of 70% transforms us from a ‘good’ place to work to a ‘great’ one.
Our plans for working conditions
Building and maintaining a happy and engaged workplace environment is no easy feat. It necessitates honest dialogue, open communication and transparency– but above all, a steadfast dedication to continuous growth and development.
We strive to maintain close contact with our employees through regular pulse checks. These check-ins frequently provide actionable insights on areas where we can improve, ensuring that every team member feels seen, respected and empowered. For instance, in 2023, we identified opportunities for improvement in cross-functional collaboration. Given our global presence with offices on two continents, such collaborations are crucial to maintaining our unity as one team. In parallel, we are launching employee-led committees that will serve as both forums for representation and platforms for sharing advice and best practices across the organization.
Provide our employees with a sense of belonging and worth
Target: 30%+ of senior management roles held by women by 2030.
Diversity brings unique perspectives, enriches our culture and drives innovation. In an industry that is predominantly male-dominated– it’s especially crucial that we advocate for change.
enviolo for everyoneEmpowered Community
enviolo for everyone
We are committed to fostering an environment where diversity is celebrated, and every voice is heard and respected. We are acutely aware of the underrepresentation of women both in our industry and within our organization. We therefore pledge to prioritize improving gender representation, starting with the most senior roles within our company.
Our roadmap for diversity, equity and inclusion
Meeting our diversity and inclusion target challenges us to reassess our entire recruitment and selection process. To promote greater representation of women at enviolo, we will strive to incorporate inclusive language into all our job descriptions; ensure that a diverse group of candidates is shortlisted for the selection process; and have a diverse panel of interviewers participate in meetings with shortlisted candidates.

Responsible Business
Sustainability is ultimately about taking the right measures today to ensure that our business remains resilient, responsible and relevant tomorrow.

Work towards a safe supply chain free of child- and forced labor
Target: 100% of Tier 1 and high-priority Tier 2 suppliers have undergone independent social audits by 2030.
Producing premium bicycle components should never compromise human rights in the supply chain. We are deeply committed to partnering with suppliers who prioritize dignified working conditions for their employees.
Dignified employment– everywhere and alwaysResponsible Business
Dignified employment– everywhere and always
We are unwavering in our commitment to ensuring that the products we produce are sourced and manufactured in a manner that upholds the rights and safety of all individuals involved. At minimum, we are dedicated to eradicating child and forced labor from our supply chain, while guaranteeing safe working conditions for all workers. To do so, we aim to audit 100% of our Tier 1 and high-priority Tier 2 suppliers against an independent, widely recognized social auditing standard.
Our roadmap for Human Rights in the supply chain
Two principles underpin our approach to supply chain human rights due diligence. First, we acknowledge the vital role of independent, expert-led social audits in maintaining the objectivity and thoroughness of our assessments. Second, we understand that human right risks are often most prevalent further upstream, necessitating the assessment of working conditions beyond Tier 1 suppliers as an integral part of robust due diligence.
Build and maintain a culture of integrity, ethical conduct and regulatory compliance
Target: 100% annual completion rate of compliance and ethics-focused training among relevant enviolo employees by 2030.
We impact the lives of countless individuals daily and globally: customers, retailers, cyclists, supply chain partners, employees, shareholders, and all members of society affected by the way we do business. Our commitment to them is that we display integrity and responsibility in everything we do.
A force for goodResponsible Business
A force for good
We believe in doing business with honesty and respect– wherever we are, and whoever we work with. To ensure we live up to that principle, we need to create a culture where integrity and ethical behavior are second nature to our employees, and where speaking up about wrongdoing is valued not shunned.
Our roadmap for compliance and ethics
In January 2024, we established a whistleblowing policy and mechanism that enables our stakeholders, including employees, to raise grievances anonymously and at their discretion. Additionally, we started rolling out a comprehensive company-wide training program aimed at ensuring that every member of our team fully comprehends and upholds our values, code of conduct and applicable legislation in the jurisdictions where we operate. Departments identified as high-risk, including Finance, Supply Chain and Business Development, are mandated to undergo additional specialized training sessions. We plan to review the roster of required trainings at least annually to ensure that the topics covered remain relevant and aligned with evolving regulations, business needs and best practice risk mitigation standards.
Engage in fair and supportive procurement practices with our suppliers
Target: 90% average score on Supplier Relationship Index, as reported by tier 1 suppliers by 2030.
Our contract manufacturers aren’t just vendors we engage with at arm’s length. They are crucial partners in our mission to deliver premium, high-quality, sustainable products. Given our high expectations of them, it’s only natural that they should also expect a lot from us.
Partners not vendorsResponsible Business
Partners not vendors
We value strong bonds with our key suppliers, founded on mutual respect, trust and openness. Because these relationships are the backbone of our success. Whether it’s reducing carbon emissions, designing circular products or upholding human rights across the full supply chain, we rely heavily on a select number of contract manufacturers to advance and achieve our goals.
In return, we must be supportive, attentive and responsive customers– with the humility to accept feedback, adapt to changes, and collaborate on solutions. Only then can we genuinely claim to have true supply chain ‘partnerships’ in place.
Our roadmap for supplier relations
To cultivate connections and ensure mutual success, we’re dedicated to fair and supportive supplier-centered practices, whether it’s in procurement, forecasting, lead times or timely payments. We will continually assess our performance through an annual Supplier Relations Index, seeking feedback from our key suppliers to ensure that we are taking the necessary steps to forge strong partnerships that benefit both people and the planet in the long term.
Critical Materials
Reduce the risk associated with our dependence on geographically concentrated raw materials
Target: 100% of subcomponents made of critical raw materials are covered by a sourcing contingency plan by 2030.
Some of the materials used in green mobility products present environmental, social and geopolitical challenges. We will strive to mitigate the risks associated with these materials to make sure that our customers benefit from a more resilient and sustainable supply chain.
Future-proofing our supply chainResponsible Business
Future-proofing our supply chain
Certain raw materials are currently important for the functioning of our products. The extraction and/or processing of a few of these materials, like magnesium for example, is highly geographically concentrated. This concentration poses supply chain risks in the event of calamities, disruptions, or trade restrictions in or by the material’s country of sourcing.
To reduce our (and our customers’) exposure to these risks, we are committing to conducting comprehensive contingency planning for all our subcomponents made of critical raw materials. This initiative aims to enhance our ability to manage and, where possible, reduce our reliance on critical raw materials.
Our roadmap for critical materials
Our roadmap begins with a comprehensive mapping of all the raw materials underlying our products and subcomponents. Subsequently, we will cross-check them against the list of 34 materials deemed ‘critical’ by the European Commission. As a second step, we will classify components by risk class, considering both the geographical concentration of the material and the level of geopolitical risk associated with its country of origin. Finally, detailed contingency plans will be developed for each material class. These plans will include R&D initiatives to substitute certain materials with non-critical alternatives and/or requirements for multi-country sourcing by our suppliers.
Why 11 focus areas and targets? ‘envision’ is the outcome of a thorough double materiality assessment of the environmental, social and governance impacts, risks and opportunities we face -or expect to face- as a company.
Our assessment is designed to help us prioritize those areas that matter most to us, our stakeholders and society at large, and has been structured around the guiding principles of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive.
policies & governance
We recognize that the way we govern our company and manage our business relations is closely intertwined with the future of our planet. Below, you can find and download the set of policies we have developed to help us meet our sustainability commitments.
Code of conduct
Last revised: February 14, 2023
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Environmental Policy
Last revised: January 31, 2024
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Human Rights Policy
Last revised: January 31, 2024
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Anti-corruption Policy
Last revised: January 31, 2024
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Whistleblower Policy
Last revised: January 31, 2024
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Supplier Code of Conduct
Last revised: March 8, 2022
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